Welcome to Heath Primary School



Our school is all inclusive and we work with many different agencies to support our children at Heath Primary School.

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Our SENDCo's are Mrs K Clayton and Mrs Gomery who can be contacted via [email protected]

Mrs Clayton and Mrs Gomery are responsible for:

  • The operation of the 'SEND Policy' and co-ordinating the specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND.
  • Ensuring that pupils with SEND receive appropriate support and access high quality teaching.
  • Ensuring that you as a parent/carer are involved in the supporting of your child’s learning and kept informed about the intervention and support your child is receiving.
  • Liaising with the other professionals that may come into school to support your child such as: Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist, behaviour support or School Nurse.
  • Updating the SEND register and making sure records are kept of your child’s needs and progress.
  • The named governor for SEND is Laura Inglis. She is responsible for making sure that the necessary support is given for any child with SEND who attends the school and can be contacted through school.


How will we support your child with identified SEND starting at our school in any year group?


  • You will be invited you to visit the school with your child to have a look around and meet the Headteacher and class teacher.
  • You will also be invited to an Induction Meeting in which details of your child’s needs are noted, and in which you can ask questions relating to the school.
  • If other professionals or outside agencies are involved in supporting your child, a Multi-Agency Team (MAT) meeting may be held to discuss your child’s needs and to share strategies that are used.
  • The SENDCo and class teacher may wish to liaise with the current setting your child attends if applicable.
  • We may suggest adaptations to the transition period to help your child to settle more easily.
  • The staff will closely monitor the progress the child makes and discuss this with you.

Please click on the SEND information report 2023-2024 below for further advice and information on transition from year group to year group and from school to school. The report also provides information on how we identify children who need support, how parents are informed and involed and how we support children in school using expertise from outside agencies. Parents are also informed of the monitoring of progress and how we cater for pastoral needs.

If you would like more information on special educational needs and disability code of practice please follow the link below.

The SEND local offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families.
